Saturday, February 9, 2008

Flying Dog Classic Pale Ale

Okay, so the name jumps out at you a little bit. It should. The founders of the brewery, George Stranahan and Richard McIntyre, were acquaintances of the late, great Hunter S. Thompson, whom we all know as Raul Duke from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. With an associate like that, Flying Dog is not a very strange name at all. In fact, legend has it, that George and Richard were backpacking through the mountains when they swear they saw a “flying dog” heading towards their campsite ( I am not sure what exactly it was that they were drinking, but I would like to sample it!

So I would like to share with you what I believe to be the all around beer: Flying Dog Classic Pale Ale. I first stumbled upon this beauty on my way home from work one day. I stopped at a brand new store of liquor in Conyers Ga, Brown’s liquor store, and found this jewel from Denver. I thought to myself, “Hmmm…..could be fun??!?” So I purchased my first ‘sixer and haven’t looked back since.

Let’s start off with the smell. The first thing that I do when I pop the top of a FDCPA, is inhale that fine mist that circles up from the tip of the bottle. It has a very fruity aroma, the kind of aroma that many college kids think would make a fine cologne, and I must say that they would probably be right. However, it might be a little difficult ‘splainin to the cops that you ain’t been drinkin!

The next thing you will notice, after pouring your FDCPA into a tall, frosty mug right out of the freezer, is the color. It has a very pleasing amber-copper color to it. This might surprise a few of you because you’d think the name says it all, with pale being in the name, but it actually looks a little bit like a Killian’s. I apologize if I have blasphemed in some of your eyes!

But what makes this beer stand out from the rest, in my eyes of course, is the exceptional taste. Like I said, it has a fruity aroma, which can be tasted mildly, but the bitter hops will blow you away. It also has a sort of toffee taste, if you will, reminding me of a good brown ale like a Newcastle. And I can’t think of anyone who doesn’t enjoy a Newcastle (except for weenies, jk, but not really)!

Would I recommend this beer? Abso-frickin-lutely! It is a wonderfully tasting beer and if you have a taste for hops, it would definitely be right up your alley. It goes great with a N.Y. Strip, some asparagus, and a baked potato with ranch dressing instead of butter!

Beer-O-Meter: 24 pack

Friday, February 8, 2008

Welcome to the Beer Gazette!

I can't think of one drink in the history of mankind that has been appreciated as much as beer. According to Wikipedia, which we all know is fact (until someone rewrites it, that is), it is the oldest and most enjoyed alcoholic beverage in the world. The ancient Egyptians first stumbled upon the delectable treat known as beer in 6000 BC. And they got so drunk they decided to build triangular shaped buildings! I don't think that there is any other drink in this world that could unite so many people in such a common and ludicrous goal. But there you have it!

Awhile back, as I took a long pull off of my Flying Dog Classic Pale Ale, I thought to myself out loud for some reason (possibly too many beers), I absolutely love the brewing concoction we affectionately refer to as suds, the brew-ha-ha, bottled sunshine...and so on and so forth. So I took it upon myself to join a brewing club started by some of the greatest minds ever to scrape their knuckles on the ground. It is called Lithonia's Finest and it truly holds up to its name.

And I can't help but wonder why everyone doesn't enjoy the fine beverage known as beer. Okay, so beer is an acquired taste. And it is probably not for everyone, which I have no problem with (more beer for me).

Now I am considered somewhat of a hophead. I enjoy the subtle nuances that too many hops bring to the table. But I also enjoy the more hearty malts. However I am not going to stick to one type of beer, but select a beer to write about at random. I think that it is best to first scour the local supermarket, for all you "mainstreamers", then branch out into the tastier treats that can only be specially ordered by your handy dandy store of liquor for a "modest" fee. But I have to write about my personal favorite first. And that would be none other than Flying Dog Classic Pale Ale!